Thoughts become things. What we put into our minds and repeat to ourselves becomes how we interact in the outer world. When we change the mental dialogue we have, only then can we change our behaviors.
Sharing a few updates that are going on with me, I moved back down to Dallas and I’m loving it so far.
Rebuilding your body, health and habits are not easy. It takes serious dedication for long term results. Let’s talk about it.
In this episode, we talk with one of my Online Coaching Clients who lost over 35 pounds and won $500 dollars from our 90 day Challenge. She talks about what motivated her, what she learned, working out and so much more! Schedule your Free coaching...
Focusing and Worrying about the stuff that doesn’t matter in the long run can ruin your goals. Stress management is extremely important as it affects every part of your life. It affects your view of the world, your feelings, your body, and your...